Saturday, May 2, 2020

Power supply against Covid-19

It is no news about the disturbing time the world is experiencing, due to the virus COVID-19

We have heard so much and have been thought of the precautionary measures of reducing or stopping the spread of the virus which has brought the world to a state of lockdown, which includes staying indoors.

Power against lockdown, I was talking to a few of my friends who like me has been asked to either reduce the level of movement or has been asked not to leave their homes, and after talking I realized that we all had one thing in common, power supply, it is no news that power supply is very poor in some if not all part of the country Nigeria, and then I decided to outline the difficulties of the situation 'Stayathome' 'no power supply' below is the few outlined disadvantages of no power supply from the government.

1. It increases noise pollution as well as air pollution from generator owners

2. It reduces security and the feeling of safety

3. It will increase the rate of unhealthy food intake, as people will use more heat to preserve their food, thereby reducing the nutritional values.

4. It will make people less updated on the news as there will be no means of power to use either electronics or phone devices.

In general, there are lots disadvantages attached to no power, it is never pleasing to be in the dark, it's uncomfortable and could increase anger, anxiety, and unhappiness, this I'm sure is what we don't want especially not in this time when people are forced to stay at home.