Wednesday, May 27, 2020


A big easy word which simply means the action of delaying or postponing something...

Causes of porcastination from my research has pointed out a FEAR of failure as well as Carelessness or laziness....

Interestingly it can also be related to a phycological disorder, the amygdala is the section of the brain associated with our automatic emotional reaction to a solution.

The brain is protecting us against possible negative feelings, the norepinephrine chemical takes over, causing increase level of fear and anxiety, adrenalin gets pumped in.

There are quite different kinds of procatinations, I'll mention just 4

Anxious procatinations

Fun procatinations

Plenty of time procatinations

Perfectionist procatinations

It doesn't really matter the kind of procatination here is 4ways to help solve it 

1. Forgive yourself for procatinating in the past

2. Commit to the task

3. Promise yourself a reward

4. Ask someone to check up on you,

5. Ask as you go rephrase your inner dialogue

6. Minimize distractions,

To further stretch, narrow your focus, procatinators often spend more time looking at the big picture, so a project can seem overwhelming..

Reward yourself for meeting your goals.

Connect activities you dislike with the ones you love let those incentive help you stay on task.

Hold yourself publicly accountable.

Do not loose momentum

The picture below can help in our goal setting..

Procatination is a very serious problem, though it might seem harmless but it takes away our ability to get things done as well as decide.. .. N0 it won't happen like magic.. . YES it can be achieved by complete consciousness to the problem and deciding to solve it. 


  1. Nice one.. but most times I think we just scared to carry what ever we want to, cus we do think we can't or kinda of looking for motivation to push you doing them.. We just have try do them no matter how we feel, it's better to die trying than not trying or procrastinating..
    Am so inspired...

    1. Something very important to note is that, without motivation, procatination is bond to happen... When you ain't motivated there's little you can do about a situation.
