Sunday, August 30, 2020


 It's no news over the recent loss of a very wonderful human being, Chadwick Boseman AKA wakanda forever.. the world especially to all black race has lost.

Dying at the ripe age of 43, from a monster disease, colon cancer, Chadwick Boseman has left many hearts sad, because the news was a huge shock to everyone. 

All over the internet, there's his life story, different words he had spoken at different times..

But what has left me sad, and felt deep unexplainable emotions, is why in all of this, he never mentioned he was sick, instead all his talks/words sent a message, the way he spoke with passion, about talent, about believing, about staying strong, about succeeding, about winning, these things he didn't just say but showed it in actions admist his personal life threatening crisis, in the way he was diligent in fulfilling his own dreams.

His life, death, and the way he chose to handle things has given me quite a few unanswered questions

1.  What is death?

2.  Is dying any easier when we know we are dying?

3. Does knowing we will die put us in a place where we no longer want to live in the first place?

4. If we all knew of our dying days will it be of any consolation to us? 

5. Will it drive us mad and make us all insane? 

6. Will there be less wickedness and more humanity?

7. If we know our dying day what price do we have to pay?

Did he fight real hard? what were the struggles? are there times when he really broke down? how did he really handle all of these? How did he go through so much and hid it away from the world until his last breath?

How and what do I need to learn from this legend, this amazing young man, why does his lesson seem so real and yet so unreal

From his quote, Young black and talented.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Do NOT forget

They'll come a time when the only thing that will matter is human relationship.

The lives of people you have touched and the ones you haven't.

Regrets of broken friendships and even strengthen friendships.

We all have one believe that there is a life after Life itself so if there's life what would matter in the end?

Your car, phone, house, clothes or jewelries? none of this will be

The only things you will ever see are humans alike and even animals. 

Do not let the world's misplaced priorities put you in a line of total disregard of humanity, because at the end humanity is what really matters. 

Say I love you to those you truly love give a helping hand were you are able.

Smile the way of that stranger whom you know nothing about be peaceful as much as you can be. 

Have smart conversations with people you never know who's going to be your neighbour.

It's hard but we can all make it work family is very important sometimes family goes beyond blood relatives, do not forget what really matters today. 

The life of every soul on earth!

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Losing something we never had!

Losing something we never had can be both a blessing and a curse.

Isn't it true that sometimes we blame a particular misfortune on something we were supposed to have but never did? 

Losing a parent or parents: losing a father or mother can never be a blessing will always definitely be a curse, but it can be a means to an end.

Father: Using myself as an example there are times in my life, I have felt the hardships i faced were due to the fact that I didn't have a father and I spend most of my time thinking things or fantasizing about things that would have happened, how my life would have been easier if my father was here to lay the foundations of financial stability in the family.

Mother: losing a mother can be even more traumatizing, it can make us go from happy to sad or emotional when we see people enjoying what we never had the opportunity to have example family gatherings and all the things that involves a mother. 

Spouse: becoming a widow or a widower at a very young age can even be worse at a high level, except for divorce, this time we are fully aware we would never be able to see this person again sometimes it doesn't really matter if they were 100% good to us the feeling of never really having them anymore is deeper than one can really admit or be able to express either explain.

Right now I'm more focused on those ones we were never really able to have, like the first option losing parents.... during child birth, or even before we knew how to walk.

If we are not careful this can scream danger in our lives, because rather than enjoying the things we are blessed with, the things we can see, we dwell on the past and how much the past would have made a difference losing a father could make you feel like you were unfortunate and most times could bring unhappiness and sadness possibly from peer groups, friends or any other family member (when we see them with their parents) it can make us not really see the efforts others are trying to make in our lives, no matter how small, we might feel if a particular person we had lost was alive things would be so much more better than they already are, maybe it is true maybe it is not but we cannot disagree about the effects this might have in our daily lives.

Others that have mothers are used to being shouted at by their mothers and in an African home even being spanked, but if you do this to a motherless child there is always this feeling that my mother would have done better, my mother wouldn't have reacted this way, there's always this feeling of not being satisfied with efforts others were putting, you feel your loss has made you less deserving or not being sacrificed enough for, the point I'm trying to make is

It's in the nature of humans to always look out for those things they do not have and go as far as blaming their misfortunes on those things that has never existed or existed for a very short period of time.

This is not a post to bring out the negativity of losing or the positivity of it, it's more like opening up about the effect of losing what we never had and if possible reaching out to the reader's mind to look out for things that they have already in front of them better than dwelling in the past.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020


I'm not a relationship guru but I've had this thought for a while why some relationships do not actually work out.

Finding..... I have noticed that often times when we find someone they might not be ready to be found.

By experience I want to say all of the guys I've been with in the past are not terrible people, no far from it but if there's one thing I have noticed is almost every guy who walks up to a girl is looking for one already made. 

Not every guy is willing to work the process of refining, for instance, not everyone has the opportunity to witness a gold they're about to buy being refined 99% of the people who use and buy gold buy them already made. 

Honestly having to wait for a gold to be refined could be pretty difficult if not impossible, or unnecessary, why wait, when you can get an already refined one, why stand the heat? why watch it burn? why why why? 

And I'm not saying they're men who are not waiting, of course there are many who wait, who watch, who nurture, who sees the future right from the unprocessed gold. 

There's this notion that a woman should be perfect should have the skills of marriage should know what to do at every given point in time. 

One particular ex of mine was always good with the what ifs, he will always say to me what if we get married is this what you're going to do? what if we are faced with this situation is this what you're going to do ?there was so many what ifs that I even began to doubt my very existence as a woman and then it hit me

I wasn't perfect... the moment a woman is born she does not know anything about being a woman she learned it at every stage in her life.... A new mother learns how to be a mother when she has a child...A new bride learns how to be a wife once she becomes a wife, there is never a full knowledge about it before the experience there might be knowledge but trust me experience is always the best teacher. 

Yes it's good to prepare before you walk in it's good to know what you're in for before you walk in, but do you start judging an 18 years old girl, or a 24-30 years old woman because you knew your mother well when she was almost 45 or more? 

Who told you marriage was ever easy for her in the first place?  who told you it was easy at first to manage all of you at home? who told you your mother was perfect maybe she is now but was she from the beginning?

We can only hope for the best but we can never know the ending by just looking at the beginning 90% of the time that's totally impossible.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020


Looking at the meaning of freedom I must agree it is a very inviting word, and in my opinion every effort man has put in Christianity, politics, marriage and life in general is to earn this very inviting word freedom... A freedom that is not truly free.

It means power or right to act speak or think as one wants, the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved, freedom generally  from further study is having the ability to act or change without constraint.

Furthermore something is free if it can change easily and is not constrained in its present state if a person has freedom to do things that will not in theory or in practice be prevented by other forces.

From my study I found out a few examples of freedom

 1. An absence of necessity 

2. liberation from slavery or restrain 

3. freedom of association

4.  freedom of belief 

5. freedom of speech

6.  freedom to express

7.  freedom of the press

8.  freedom to choose one state in life 

9. freedom of religion

10.  freedom from bondage and slavery. 

But is freedom truly free? 

Well freedom is an illusion or it is relative to an illusion, wherever you live in the world the freedom people have is dictated by their controllers whether that is government, god or a dictatorship even in daily life there are others who control what people do say and where they can go.

With much thinking I feel there is no true freedom because every freedom known in the life of Man, the existence of the world has always been on merit, has always been earned either with blood or strive, in terms of the government one has to obey laws to be truly free, in religion one has to obey laws to be truly free, even in our daily lives in families, churches, mosques, shrines every individual that belongs to an association needs to earn his freedom.

Imagine a world with true freedom

People could kill, cheat, and have no consequences, yes we have freedom to act but do we have the freedom to determine the consequences of our actions? If we say we are free why do we pay for being free?

If the answer is NO then are we truly free?? 

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Nigeria my home.

Nigeria a closer look

  • When you look at Nigeria what do you see? When you think of Nigeria what do you imagine? oftentimes especially in the internet we see more of the bad side of the country, but I'll share with you a few beautiful things I see when I look at Nigeria as a Nigerian myself.

  • Walk with me

  • The food, from the south side of Nigeria she has variety of dishes like okra soup, egusi soup others, and the famous Nigerian jollof rice which is the first picture below. Each meal has nutritional values as well as taste awesomely different, these meals are usually prepared with fish, meat, (cow, goat) or any other meat desired, also with sea food, these meals are extremely rich and very delicious. (Soups go with Garri, Amala, starch, semovita) etc

  • Another wonderful thing I see is family, the love from the grandmother to her grandchild, from a husband to his wife and child, from siblings to their parents and from mother to daughter.

  • Beautiful cultures especially with the marriage ceremonies, the marriage ceremonies are beautiful moments were the women are adorned with beads and beautiful attires, from wrapper to blouses, as well as the men also, looking elegant and handsome for their brides with music and dancing, not forgetting food too.

  • Hard working people, it's no secret about how bad choices of some Africans has  made the African community look bad, but there are exceptional young males and females in Nigeria as well as other African countries, doing things they love or sometimes just try their best and make honest money.

Good environment both for living and for business, every new day is a hustle day, were people get closer to their dreams of becoming better, richer or just have enough to be comfortable.

All of the provided pictures are from the south-East of Nigeria, this doesn't mean that the other areas of Nigeria are bad, no far from it, I am just focusing on that part of the country because like they say "experience is the best teacher"  and this is where I have almost all of my life experiences. 

Thursday, June 4, 2020

..the above picture is that of Lagos Nigeria 

Nigeria is one of the African countries in the world where like other countries have ups and downs, they face difficulty just like every other country in the world, like political crises as well as religious .

But the beauty of the country cannot be denied, I will be mentioning quite a few reasons why its a beauty.

1. THE PEOPLE The people of Nigeria are homely, they accept and take care of others especially from other countries, they are entertaining, brilliant, lovable and kindhearted.

2. CULTURE The culture of the Nigerians,when displayed by different ethnic groups, shows love, strength, pride as well as homeliness, unity, peace and this are often displayed in public, thereby allowing other ethnic groups or visitors to enjoy the festival.

3. EDUCATION its quite difficult to get into the country and find people who cannot understand you especially when you are from a different country and can speak English fluently, Nigerians are becoming well educated thereby moving alongside the world globally, technologically and otherwise

4. ENVIRONMENT yes no doubts there are places with low standard of living who experience insecurity just like every other place in the world, but there are much better and lovely places to check out, either for a tour, educational reasons or just mere enjoyment.

The list goes on and on, but one thing to remember is the PEOPLE, they have succeeded in so many areas of life, both academically, in the entertainment world, pursing career, obtaining wealth, and any other places one could think of. NIGERIA is a place to be.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020


A big easy word which simply means the action of delaying or postponing something...

Causes of porcastination from my research has pointed out a FEAR of failure as well as Carelessness or laziness....

Interestingly it can also be related to a phycological disorder, the amygdala is the section of the brain associated with our automatic emotional reaction to a solution.

The brain is protecting us against possible negative feelings, the norepinephrine chemical takes over, causing increase level of fear and anxiety, adrenalin gets pumped in.

There are quite different kinds of procatinations, I'll mention just 4

Anxious procatinations

Fun procatinations

Plenty of time procatinations

Perfectionist procatinations

It doesn't really matter the kind of procatination here is 4ways to help solve it 

1. Forgive yourself for procatinating in the past

2. Commit to the task

3. Promise yourself a reward

4. Ask someone to check up on you,

5. Ask as you go rephrase your inner dialogue

6. Minimize distractions,

To further stretch, narrow your focus, procatinators often spend more time looking at the big picture, so a project can seem overwhelming..

Reward yourself for meeting your goals.

Connect activities you dislike with the ones you love let those incentive help you stay on task.

Hold yourself publicly accountable.

Do not loose momentum

The picture below can help in our goal setting..

Procatination is a very serious problem, though it might seem harmless but it takes away our ability to get things done as well as decide.. .. N0 it won't happen like magic.. . YES it can be achieved by complete consciousness to the problem and deciding to solve it. 

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Watching from a distance.....

Waking up early in the morning from 5 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. to sit outside my compound has been a common occurrence to me

Each time I have had the road sweepers as my companions until proper daylight.

Recently my attention has been drawn to a very young boy, possibly around the age of 10 to 15 years old, a few times I've had the opportunity of speaking to him, though I haven't asked him any personal questions so I don't make him uncomfortable but today we had a little chat.. .. the picture below is a picture from where he was sweeping.

He actually initiated the conversation when an army van was passing by, he pointed them out to me and said ( see them oh go inside) asking me to go inside,(because of a lockdown in my area due to the covid-19) I smiled back at him and told him it was okay since I was in front of my house,, truthfully he saw them pass without looking my way..

Knowing there was a lockdown and restriction of public transport I asked him how they (him and his mom whom he was obviously helping out) got to work he said (we use leg trekk come) meaning they worked, from where he said he lived to where he was sweeping right now is approximately a 5 minutes drive.

He pointed something out to me about the difficult part of the job, packing the sand.

Looking at him something hit me.. Road sweepers and the challenges they face.

Doing my research I found out that nearly 69% of the city sweepers suffer from 
multiple health problems

It includes disorders related to bones, joints and muscles, lungs, eyes and skin. 

These health issues were due to prolonged exposure to dust, lack of periodic health screening and customised cleaning equipment like broom sticks and poor awareness and negligence in using safety gear.

Improper working posture, usage of short and damage brooms and inadequate supply of brooms.

The biological materials in the dust are capable of causing allergic diseases in humans, such as running nose watery eyes and sneezing by large size particles as well as swelling of lung tissue and asthma by fine particles.

Note: many of the sweepers do not survive more than two to three years post their retirement due to the prolonged exposure to pollution.

Aside all this they are not provided with health insurance.

People give them little or no respect,
daily they face life-threatening situations like accidents, and some especially the females get molested sexually. .. 

What is my aim??? To draw the reader's mind to the challenges road sweepers face.... When next you walk on the street and is tempted to litter the environment. 

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

What killed Mr Ben?? 

Mr Ben goes to a road side shop owned by a woman called Sandra, he buys food stuffs from her worth two thousand five hundred Naira, (2500) 

After buying he tells the woman he doesn't have money to pay the bills but will definitely come see her when he does.

The economy is hard especially with the Corona virus,

Sandra tells the man she can't accept it, she needs money to immediately buy and sell. .

Ben keeps what he has bought, and sits just by the side of the shop with his hand on his jaw

Another man comes to buy something and sees Mr Ben, he asked Sandra the shop owner why the man was sitted that way.

Sandra explains, out of pity, he says to the woman give him what he has bought I will pay.

Sandra goes to the man and calls out Mr someone had paid for your food stuffs here take it ..

Mr Ben didn't respond, moving forward to touch him, he still wasn't responding, 

Mr Ben was dead, sitting at that same position but dead....... 

True story.....what's your thoughts on this??

Monday, May 18, 2020

Personalities that make things happen in their own little way, one of kind is this wonderful young man, I had the opportunity of speaking with him, he is an Artist who loves what he does, and earns a living doing what he loves, I have personally seen his works and I know he is doing a wonderful job, i'll also be sharing some of work here

MR Jazpa David he is an Artist by profession..

What's your name?
Jazpa David

Where and when were you born?
I was born in Porthacourt and raised up in Onitsha, later came back to Porthacourt in 2007.

How would you describe yourself as a child?
At my tender age I was fascinated by so many things that surrounded me and I really wish to replicate what was in my surrounding, but then my inner dialogue was self defeating.

Any best memories from childhood?
Deep Childhood Memories hmmmm... I love drawing and painting since my childhood and I would shamelessly flaunt my skills to everyone.
 Different stages as an artist:
(1)junior: sometimes I used to place a transparent white paper over my drawing book and draw the sharp lines over the figures. ones the drawing figure is imprint on transparent paper, i draw over it and fill the colors.
(2)secondary: I started free-hand drawing. Love to capture the cartoon characters on my sketch books. It was fun

Are you in a relationship or married? 
Am not married neither in a serious relationship because it's dynamic let just skip the line lol

What do you do for a living?

In your own words define Art?
My broad definition of art: Art can be define as Airplane  for the expression or communication of emotions and ideas, a means of exploring and appreciating formal elements for their own sake as mimesis or presentation.

How did you get into your line of work?
I guess you have seen artist sacrifice both of this in the name of Craft, but you need your body on the most basic of levels to create, mine started with motivation, inspiration, and emotions.

What lessons has your work life taught you?
Well all I can say is that the future belongs to those who learn more skills and combine them in a creative way, But in life you are the character and you need to find your own pattern that helps you grow and Excel, the trick is that there aren't identical shape available in the same familiar places, every time the view is different, in my opinion if one has no beliefs about a particular matter one cannot have knowledge about it.
If you could do anything differently what would you do?

Music and importation of art materials

What is your religion?
I am a Christain, born and brought up in Roman Catholic, but migrated to Dominion City worldwide. 

Do you believe in after life? 
Hmmm lol, Do you have any experience that made you believe in a higher power or life after death? I can't just believe that....

What drives you to be you as an Artist? 

Any advice you want to give to others a artistsstruggling to be better?
 Sometimes, success is less about knowing when to say "yes" to opportunities and more about saying "no" to things that are holding you,,.. Sitting around and stewing about isn't going to help you, so my advice to the person is he or she should engage in any art school based on practical or internet, most of us hold a browsing phone without knowing the value, I can recommend (Kevin okafor) and (Arinze Stanley) fix yourself on YouTube to watch how practical goes...    

I'm thankful I was able to ask mr JazpaDavid these questions, I commend his humility when I approached him, it was indeed a pleasure especially since I'm a struggling Artists myself, his works inspire me to strive I hope it will do the same for others.... To reach Mr Jasper this is his Instagram account iam_Jazpadavid as well as his Facebook Jazpadavid

Sunday, May 17, 2020


What would the world look like without a man??? 

In the absence of a man who would sing the praises of women? 

Who would recognize her worth and pride? 

Who in the absence of a man will provide and protect?

Who in the absence of a man will seeds grow?

Without a man there is no people, no nation..

Who In the absence of a man will sacrifice? 

The importance of a man is sometimes not acknowledge if not overlooked.... 

When a woman dances as she shakes her waist it is for enjoyment, but truth be told when there is a man there is a sparkle, she is proud, she is beautiful and knows this because the men cannot take their eyes off her.

When a woman has a man she glows differently, his words oh!! his touch, his touch follows her everywhere.

Who in the absence of a man would give pleasure unexplainable in mortality?

Oh!! without a man how would there be Queens and Princesses..

Without a man! Without a man! There is no life truth be told! 

An analysis on globalization and African cultural values.....

Globalization: globalization is a medium and phenomenon that has brought a lot of changes in the entire world which has to do with political, cultural, religious social-integration, it has turned the entire world into a global village.

Globalization is not a single concept that can be defined and encompassed within a set time from, nor is it a process that can be defined clearly with a beginning and an end. 

Globalization involves economic integration, the transfer of policies across borders the transmission of knowledge, cultural stability, the power, it is a global process, a concept, a revolution, and an establishment of global market free from socio- political control. Globalization encompasses all
of these things. It is a concept that has been defined variously over the years, with some connotations referring to progress, development and stability, integration and cooperation, and
others referring to regression, colonialism, and destabilization. Despite these challenges, this term brings with it a multitude of hidden agendas. An Individuals political ideology, geographic location, social status, cultural background, and ethnic and religious affiliation provide the background that  determines how globalization is interpreted. Thomas Larsson stated that: “globalization is the process of wind shrinkage, of distances getting shorter, things moving closer. It pertains to the increasing ease with which somebody on one side of the world can
interact, to mutual benefit, with somebody on other side of the world.” 2
The world as a historical interaction of people and societies is undergoing dynamic transformation of modern colonization called globalization before this modern colonization. Before this modern colonization, it is evident that colonial expansion of the west to the so- called ‘third world’ was from outside a global process that was ethnocentric authoritarian, patriarchal and destructive of nature. Alvin observed that: “The dawn of this new civilization is the single most explosive fact of our time. Humanity faces the deepest social faces the deepest social upheaval and creative restructuring of all time. A global revolution is underway. Humanity face the deepest social upheaval and creative restructuring of all the time. A global revolution is uderway

Furthermore, globalization has many implications for the world as biophysical planet. It is a complicated transformation based on the concept of total market, a transformation that seeks to incorporate the entire globe in a new international order by exalting the economic factor as the only source of meaning and value and teaches a new- liberal doctrine of economic self- interest
in which the free market is wrongly assumed to be objective and fair. 

However, not minding the positive aspect of globalization, its ethnocentric, patriarchal authoritarian character is obvious and evident everywhere .Evidently, globalization destroys cultural practices and values in this
contemporary dispensation, the younger generation look up to European ways of doing things as the ideal because of accompanying ramification of globalization

 Communication has become so easy and fast that you can speak to any in the human race on less than one second through communication Media like GSM Twitter, Facebook, advanced computers.

  • Culture: 
  • Culture derives its semantic origin from the Latin word ‘’Cultura’’ which means cultivation of the soil, and by extension, to the cultivation of mind and spirit.              
  • Different scholars define culture in various ways. Taylor defines culture as” the complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a members of society, Others see culture as people’s way of life. 

  • Culture is passed on from one generation to another, through learning, transmitted in people writing, religion, music, clothes, cooking, and in what they do. Culture is more than just material goods, that is, things the culture uses and produces. 

  • Culture is also the beliefs and values of the people, Culture also includes the way people think about and understand the world and their own lives. Thus, ‘’culture is the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one category of people from another, it is mankind primary adaptive mechanism, From a common ground culture is that which characterize a particular group of people and their very ways of life which differentiates them from other people. It is observed in the writings of African scholars that the distinctiveness and uniqueness of communalism is enshrined in its characteristics, principles and norms. 

  • African society is an embodiment of cultures, culture that regulate principles and norms. It is noted in the writing of Africans and non- Africans scholars that the features and characteristics of communalism is one that takes the welfare and the well being of its members serious. This sense of harmony it gives is what defines Africans.

  • However, cultural values can be defined as the worth, usefulness important by the amount of other things for which it can be exchanged. Although individual or group of individuals may choose what they call their values,                                                                              
  • Cultural values go deeper than values because, cultural values are transmitted and acquired not freely chosen. It is also inscribed deeply in the spirit of the people and also in their history.                                       
  • Using the igbos who are originally called Ndi-igbo as a case study the Igbo people  as a nation has the family and its name, sacredness of human life, chastity, respect for elders and parents, marriage and hospitality etc.                                               
  •  What this portraysis that cultural values are intrinsically positive and potentially constructive Therefore, acknowledging African cultural values. Pope John11, admonished African thus,” Preserve carefully your African roots. Safeguard the values of your culture, know them and are proud of them 

  • Respect for life, family solidarity and support for relatives, respect for the old the sense of hospitality judicious preservation of traditions the taste for feasts and symbols, These culturalv values are currently been threatened by negatives influence or globalization as well as western unbounded excesses.
The true spirit of African Socialism is grounded on brotherhood, egalitarian and cooperation. African socialism as attitudes of the mind where everybody
cares for one another.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

If Mondays were alive

Monday is the first day of the working week, an extraordinary day, filled with promises and hope for the rest of the week but as a kid growing up Monday's were the worst day of my life...

Becausee I had to go to school, growing up into an adult funny enough it's still the worst day of my life....

It's been six months since the deadly Corona virus came to existence, and fewer months since, in other countries like mine, Nigeria. ..

Because of the covid-19 case, almost all countries around the world has placed their citizens on lockdown, closing public places for studying, relaxation and working,  placed bands on flights. ...

Stay at home has become the music in all radio stations and televisions, people are advised to avoid social gatherings, bottom line everyone is at home...

One of the very few things I have come to notice is, everyday seems like a holiday, people wake up and go back to bed.

Monday seems unreal, has lost its value and is dead, weeks go by and nobody cares about Monday, no alarms, no headaches no struggles to wake up, no motivational plans ahead, kids don't cry anymore, the roads seems more relaxed than the hustle and bustle of every Monday...

Sitting outside my home today I remembered and thought to myself if Monday's were alive they would probably be depressed right now....

Do you have any thoughts about Monday? Leave a comment...

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Power supply against Covid-19

It is no news about the disturbing time the world is experiencing, due to the virus COVID-19

We have heard so much and have been thought of the precautionary measures of reducing or stopping the spread of the virus which has brought the world to a state of lockdown, which includes staying indoors.

Power against lockdown, I was talking to a few of my friends who like me has been asked to either reduce the level of movement or has been asked not to leave their homes, and after talking I realized that we all had one thing in common, power supply, it is no news that power supply is very poor in some if not all part of the country Nigeria, and then I decided to outline the difficulties of the situation 'Stayathome' 'no power supply' below is the few outlined disadvantages of no power supply from the government.

1. It increases noise pollution as well as air pollution from generator owners

2. It reduces security and the feeling of safety

3. It will increase the rate of unhealthy food intake, as people will use more heat to preserve their food, thereby reducing the nutritional values.

4. It will make people less updated on the news as there will be no means of power to use either electronics or phone devices.

In general, there are lots disadvantages attached to no power, it is never pleasing to be in the dark, it's uncomfortable and could increase anger, anxiety, and unhappiness, this I'm sure is what we don't want especially not in this time when people are forced to stay at home.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Mosiah 3:19

Natural man


 This particular Scripture, emphasizes on a natural man as an enemy to God, it deeply explains how much God dislikes a natural man, using Laman and Lemuel in the Book of Mormon as a case study.

  On different occasions, Laman and Lemuel doubted the Lord, they were bent on causing more harm than good, they lacked the spirit of God, they were not patient neither did they trust in the Lord, they murmured at every revelation received by their father Lehi.

There's more to share, but Nephi was indeed the opposite of the natural man.

This is not an actual Post about creativity I only want to share something I just recently learned, from a famous artist, DaVinci. 

While studying an article some days ago, I found 7interesting principles to increase creativity..... Almost similar to my last post about passion.

1.  Curiosity> having an insatiable quest for knowledge and continuous improvement.

2.  Thinking independently> learning from experience and applying that in new ways.

3.  Sharpening your senses> paying attention to all of your senses to explore the world.

4.    Embracing uncertainty> getting comfortable with discomfort and managing ambiguity and change.

5.  Balancing logic and imagination> using your brain rather than relying on one of the other 

6.  Balancing body and mind> not focusing too much one or the other.

7.  Making new connections >  finding patterns and new idea combinations from existing ones.

I hope this helps with pursuing your passion and ability to be creative, as I'm also learning to put this new-found knowledge into good use I hope you will too...

Don't forget to comment on your ideas 👇

Friday, March 6, 2020


  > Strong and barely controllable emotion impetuous fascination

 What does it mean to have passion?

Your passion can be anything that simultaneously challenges you, Contrary to the idea that doing what you love makes work effortless, a passion puts you to work, it's what you're willing to sacrifice lesser leisure and pleasures for.

Passion is an intense emotion a compelling enthusiasm or desire for something, also a very strong feeling about a person.

I'm passionate about art, painting, drawing and almost anything art related, 

What are you passionate about? I'll like to know in the comments

What is Art?

 Art is an expression or application of human creativity, skill, imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated, primarily for their beauty or emotional power...

In my opinion... Art is life itself, the ability to either create or recreate, just like God, Art is given to man by talent from God, or obtained through training, Art is like magic, unexplainable, it can vex the soul and even smooth it.

As an upcoming artist myself, though very much imperfect with my drawing or painting skills, and with a drive to get better here is one of my few drawings and a painting...

With time I hope you get to travel alongside me on my Art journey and please your comments will be appreciated, thank you.