Thursday, June 4, 2020

..the above picture is that of Lagos Nigeria 

Nigeria is one of the African countries in the world where like other countries have ups and downs, they face difficulty just like every other country in the world, like political crises as well as religious .

But the beauty of the country cannot be denied, I will be mentioning quite a few reasons why its a beauty.

1. THE PEOPLE The people of Nigeria are homely, they accept and take care of others especially from other countries, they are entertaining, brilliant, lovable and kindhearted.

2. CULTURE The culture of the Nigerians,when displayed by different ethnic groups, shows love, strength, pride as well as homeliness, unity, peace and this are often displayed in public, thereby allowing other ethnic groups or visitors to enjoy the festival.

3. EDUCATION its quite difficult to get into the country and find people who cannot understand you especially when you are from a different country and can speak English fluently, Nigerians are becoming well educated thereby moving alongside the world globally, technologically and otherwise

4. ENVIRONMENT yes no doubts there are places with low standard of living who experience insecurity just like every other place in the world, but there are much better and lovely places to check out, either for a tour, educational reasons or just mere enjoyment.

The list goes on and on, but one thing to remember is the PEOPLE, they have succeeded in so many areas of life, both academically, in the entertainment world, pursing career, obtaining wealth, and any other places one could think of. NIGERIA is a place to be.

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